Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Go Blotto

I positively resent intellectual truths which make demands
upon the mind, without being verifiable in immediate
experience. Like they say, even axioms are not axioms until
they are proved upon our pulses.

What is it then that makes us do, all that we do? Our emotions
are not isolated responses; they are conditioned as much from
within as without. 'Acquired' knowledge thus becomes the main
casus belli and life becomes nothing but a prolonged anathema.
Are we so hamstrung that we have to reach out for a blueprint
each time? Whatever happened to 'independent' learning? Why
cant we draw our own conclusions? Why cant we be an
experimentalist in our own right? Is there an inflexible rule
that we must adhere to, whereby it becomes imperative that we
reproduce everything verbatim?

We must begin to accept things and people as they are and not
intellectualize them into something else. Submission to people
as they are, without trying to indoctrinate or improve them -
could be instrumental in kissing away a lot of your anguish.
Stop hankering after concrete logic all the time. Do not lust
after fact and reason. Instead, sit back and luxuriate in your
new- found sense of doubt and ambiguity.

The worthwhileness of life does not lie in ensuring
continuity. The ethereal truth of life actually resides in the
"ephemeral". It is the transience that’s most exquisite.
When has "beauty" been known to survive the ravages of time?
Bask in the glory of the "moment" and let it pass, for there
is no pause in the progression of time.

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